None Is Smart ALONE #WinterABC24

None of us is as smart as all of us. We know by now walking alone is not practical , not all knowledge resides with one man. Collaborative learning is a huge benefit i picked from the blogging sphere.  I wouldn’t know what happens across my own continent if it was not for the manyContinue reading “None Is Smart ALONE #WinterABC24”

African Lit Is Lit #WinterABC24

Books are uniquely travel timers. The more you read the more places you travel.. Growing up i read most of the old classic African literature infact it still sits intact at the small library at home. They belonged to my mom and i have taken the liberties to book them for my own mini libraryContinue reading “African Lit Is Lit #WinterABC24”

The Future Is Perharps #WinterABC24

The Future is called perharps. I believe the Word of God when it tells us we do not know what tomorrow brings.  Sometimes i feel like a fraud when people refer to me as a writer and maybe its imposter syndrome at its best. Behind Closed Screens was birthed in mind to ask the hardContinue reading “The Future Is Perharps #WinterABC24”

African Film #WinterABC24

A Good movie is one where you are so attached to the characters and start to get angry with the plot line but with much anticipation. Who doesn’t love a fantastic story line. I must confess i have not fully embraced ugandan movie industry not because i wouldn’t want to but their story lines areContinue reading “African Film #WinterABC24”

Old PlayLists #WinterABC24

Where words fail music speaks. I haven’t found my footing ever since i gave birth. Iam not sure when i last really listened to music apart from my husband strumming his guitar ( bless his soul) , sunday worship (thank God for church) and oh well the occasional drunkards music in the neighborhood.  My musicContinue reading “Old PlayLists #WinterABC24”

IN Friendship. #WinterABC24

Friendship must be one of the richest ways God could reveal to each of us beauty and falleness at the same time. This Quote sums it all up by C.S Lewis. We think we choose our friends yet we are limited by many factors that we never consider. I think it best that we oughtContinue reading “IN Friendship. #WinterABC24”

Iam A Mother #WinterABC24

Somehow the good Lord saw it good that i should be a mother. Has reality reared its head above you before? This is it for me. Iam a Mother.  For such a long time i had a famous hashtag #IamAnAunt. I have so many nieces and nephews, friends with children. I thought what a jobContinue reading “Iam A Mother #WinterABC24”

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