None Is Smart ALONE #WinterABC24

None of us is as smart as all of us.

We know by now walking alone is not practical , not all knowledge resides with one man.

Collaborative learning is a huge benefit i picked from the blogging sphere. 

I wouldn’t know what happens across my own continent if it was not for the many amazing writers work we get to read.

I have done some collaborations before and quiite enriching. 

I also appreciate people who do more collaborative work.

It takes alot of work, communication back and forth, edits, conversations that always have to be followed up.

Its tasking but worth it.

Collaborations also widen your viewer streak.

You will have different people visit your blog who probably would have never found your work. 

We all come in different ships but somehow end up in the same boat.

Friendships are fostered during collaborations. 

I have called on fellow bloggers outside the blogging community and its been a much needed help.

Always remember no matter what accomplishments you made you were helped by someone. 

Utilise collaborations with fellow bloggers. 

There are bigger wins than losses. 

Published by conniedia

I Am a Christian and this is a space to explore more on the Truth of the Gospel, encourage practical living of the Gospel and finding answers to the hard questions. Hope you make this a learning arena with me. Catch me on the streets.

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