The Future Is Perharps #WinterABC24

The Future is called perharps. I believe the Word of God when it tells us we do not know what tomorrow brings. 

Sometimes i feel like a fraud when people refer to me as a writer and maybe its imposter syndrome at its best.

Behind Closed Screens was birthed in mind to ask the hard questions that no one ever really answers that pertain to living in this World as a Bible believing practicing christian.

It dawned on me after a few good years that i may not have been Christian as i assumed, that many stumble in the dark like i did, many believe myths and tales and misrepresentation of the Word of God.

We lack theological understanding of the Word of God and as much as we have the Holy Spirit to help us that we also need to study the Bible and start by actually reading it.

I would like this to be a platform for people to stumble on and find answers to questions they think are crazy and shouldn’t be asked.

I would like a non believer to end up asking themselves if life is worth it without this Christ they talk about.

I would like it if the platform pushed us to open our Bibles, encouraged us not to just be hearers but doers of the Word too.

I would like it if our views are challenged by the Word of God and God help us that we are bold enough to speak the Truth.

I would like it if my children, nieces , nephews read it and realised we are not perfect we lived a life with questions and it is okay to ask.

I have alot of what i would like ….

In simple words a  Christian Blog hopefully if the Lord lets us live longer convince my husband to transition to a podcast and get his articles up and running.

Iam grateful that alot of what i share are conversations Behind Closed Screens.

Published by conniedia

I Am a Christian and this is a space to explore more on the Truth of the Gospel, encourage practical living of the Gospel and finding answers to the hard questions. Hope you make this a learning arena with me. Catch me on the streets.

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